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Retrospective Analysis of MiniMatrix™ in Complex Lower Extremity Wounds

Author: Brian Benson, DPM


Current treatment modalities for lower extremity wounds with complex topographies often face significant limitations in achieving optimal outcomes. Restrata MiniMatrix emerges as an innovative solution to address these challenges as a micronized, electrospun fiber matrix. In this white paper, we look to delve into the unique capabilities of MiniMatrix, presenting clinical findings from a retrospective case series consisting of three patients with three total wounds of varying etiologies. Each patient received one application of MiniMatrix at Week 0. MiniMatrix was applied as a wet slurry to the wound beds in conjunction with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to support cellular ingrowth, neovascular formation, and new tissue formation.4 The average patient age was 47.3 years old, with an average wound area of 37.5 cm2 and average wound depth of 1.1 cm. Patient co-morbidities included diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and nicotine dependence. All wounds achieved total closure via secondary intention in an average of 81.7 days (11.7 weeks) with good scar quality.



• At Week 2, a 16.6% average reduction in wound surface area and a 20.4% reduction in wound depth was observed.

• At Week 6, an 81.1% average reduction in wound surface area and a 78.4% reduction in wound depth was observed.

• At Week 12, there was an average 98.2% reduction in wound surface area and a 95.2% reduction in wound depth, with two of three cases achieving full closure. (Patient 2 achieved full closure at Week 14.)



This retrospective case series evaluated the utility of MiniMatrix, a dispersible form factor of Restrata, in its application to lower extremity wounds with irregular and complex topographies. Lower extremity wounds have shown to be difficult to treat effectively. With co-morbidities negatively impacting wound healing progression, coupled with the complex etiologies of many lower extremity defects, health care professionals have struggled to find consistent, reliable treatment protocols to successfully treat these wound types. The findings present in this white paper underscore the evolving potential of MiniMatrix in advancing clinical outcomes for health care professionals and their patients. Although a limitation of this case series is present in the number of patients evaluated (n=3), the positive results observed within this case series demonstrate how these treatment methods can offer an innovative, yet practical, clinical solution to treating these lower extremity wounds.

* Restrata has not been studied in wounds that extend into the tendon, muscle, joint capsule, or bone. Restrata should not be applied until excessive exudate, bleeding, acute swelling, and infection is controlled. Please refer to the Instructions for Use for a full list of indications, contraindications, precautions, and warnings.

4. MacEwan MR, MacEwan S, Wright AP, Kovacs TR, Batts J, Zhang L. Comparison of a Fully Synthetic Electrospun Matrix to a Bi-Layered Xenograft in Healing Full Thickness Cutaneous Wounds in a Porcine Model. Cureus. 2017;9(8):e1614. Published 2017 Aug 27. doi:10.7799/cureus.1614.
9. Frykberg, Robert G, and Jaminelli Banks. “Challenges in the Treatment of Chronic Wounds.” Advances in Wound Care vol. 4, 9

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