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Product Videos


Restrata® Electrospun Fiber Matrix Technology Overview

Restrata® is made from synthetic electrospun matrices and is latest innovation in soft tissue repair.1



Timelapse of Cells Interacting with an Electrospun Fiber Matrix

Restrata Electrospun Fiber Matrix supports granulation tissue formation, cellular ingrowth and retention, and vascularization through structural cues.* Below is a time lapse of cells interacting with an electrospun fiber matrix. Cells can be seen stretching between, migrating throughout, and adhering to the fibers of the matrix.




medtech_gurus.jpgMedTech Gurus Podcast Interview

Acera Surgical Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder Matthew MacEwan joined Thomas Hickey to discuss our journey of launching a breakthrough technology, Restrata, into the medtech market, providing surgeons an engineered solution for soft tissue repair.

podcast1.jpgDefinitive Healthcare Podcast Interview

In a recent podcast interview with Definitive Healthcare co-founder and Chief Science Officer of Acera Surgical, Matthew MacEwan, went in depth to explain the technology behind electrospun fiber matrices and the future possibilities of tissue repair.


Testimonials & Interviews


Dr. Santosa Interview

Dr. Katherine B. Santosa, a Plastic Surgeon in Atlanta, GA, shares her experiences using Restrata.



Dr. Cosgrove Interview

Dr. Christopher Cosgrove, an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon in Memphis, TN , shares his experiences using Restrata.




Current Trends in Soft Tissue Healing Webinar

Hear from subject matter experts as they discuss how Restrata electrospun fiber matrix technology is transforming soft tissue healing and the real-world impact on patient outcomes.





1. EDS-70003-03


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Revolutionizing Healing. Changing Lives.
Cerafix®, Covora®, and Restrata® are registered trademarks of Acera Surgical Inc.