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Micronized, electrospun fiber matrix engineered to be similar to human ECM. A dispersible form factor of Restrata that may be applied to soft tissue areas with irregular or complex topography.

Restrata MiniMatrix is the first micronized, electrospun fiber matrix indicated for wound management including surgical and traumatic wounds.1

Restrata MiniMatrix is comprised of micronized electrospun fiber matrix (particulate less than 3.15 mm in diameter), offering a dispersible form factor of Restrata that may be applied to soft tissue areas with irregular or complex topography.2,3

Product Benefits

  • Free of human and animal tissues.2 Store at room temperature. No tissue tracking.
  • Fully resorbable via hydrolysis2
  • Clinical use examples include full thickness, tunneling or irregularly shaped soft tissue defects and surgical applications2
  • Product may be applied dry or hydrated2

Restrata MiniMatrix

Item # Size & Configuration Coverage (cm2)
RMINI-100 100 mg micronized 10 up to 20
RMINI-250 250 mg micronized 25 up to 50
RMINI-500 500 mg micronized 50 up to 100
RMINI-1000 1,000 mg micronized 100 up to 200
RMINI-2000 2,000 mg micronized 200 up to 400

Restrata MiniMatrix Sell Sheet

Restrata MiniMatrix

HCPCS Product Code: A2026 - Restrata MiniMatrix, 5 mg

Application of skin substitute code series (CPT codes 15271 - 15278) cannot be reported for an application of non-graft (e.g. gel, powder, ointment, foam, liquid) or injectable skin substitute.

Restrata reimbursement support hotline: Call (877) 893-2570 or email support@restratahotline.com

1. Data on file. 2. MKG-20007. 3. EDS-71006. Disclaimer:  This has been prepared for providers using Restrata and is intended for informational purposes only.  It does not represent a statement promise or guarantee by Acera Surgical, Inc. concerning coverage, levels of reimbursement, payment, or charges.  It is not intended to increase or maximize reimbursement.  The decision as to how to complete a reimbursement claim form is exclusively the responsibility of. the provider.  Reimbursement policies change frequently.  The ultimate responsibility for coding and claims submission belongs with the physician, clinician, hospital, or other facility. Restrata is a registered trademark of Acera Surgical, Inc.

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Use Cases

Chronic, Diabetic Foot Ulcers
For clinicians looking for a solution to chronic, diabetic foot ulcers, Restrata has been shown to provide healing in refractory wounds. Many diabetic patients struggle with ulcers that fail to respond to traditional graft treatments for a variety of reasons. Restrata has been shown to provide healing for patients with chronic ulcers that are resistant to other treatments.
Surgical Uses
Many patients face post-surgical wounds that are slow to heal or do not respond to traditional treatment methods. Clinicians searching for an alternative treatment for these patients may find a solution in Restrata. Restrata has been used in conjunction with a variety of surgical procedures, including limb salvage and amputation situations, as well as traumatic crush injuries, burns, and more.
Pressure Ulcers
Improper off-loading, common with patients recovering from knee surgery, may result in pressure ulcers. Restrata has been used to treat and heal these post-surgical complications, including some patients for whom prior treatment options did not help.

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Revolutionizing Healing. Changing Lives.
Cerafix®, Covora®, and Restrata® are registered trademarks of Acera Surgical Inc.